Please read the types of service and conditions of service prior to submitting a request Fill out this form to request services from PESC. After submitting the form in full you will be contacted, to the email address you provided, by a PESC to arrange your services The PESC no longer accepts fiction submissions. The PESC and/or the editor have the right to break contract if the client falsifies any aspect of the document, such as a substantially greater word count, plagiarism, the wrong genre (such as fiction), and so on.
Please select one of the four types of service listed below. For information on the specific service, please make sure to read the PESC website. *
Do you have a WSU email address and ID
If there is no specific deadline, please indicate an ideal deadline.
Note: to make this estimation, a page has 1-inch margins, double-spacing, and 12-pt font and 250 words
In addition to pages, words and number of figures can help editors get a sense of how much time the document will take to edit
This requires prior approval. Please select a name only if you have worked with this editor before or have received a word-of-mouth recommendation for this editor. This selection does not guarantee that this individual will be your editor.